Almost Cried This Morning!

I dropped Bella off with a new sitter this morning. I'd met her before at a Mom's Night Out function. It was easier doing this when she was smaller. I was there with her for a couple of minutes, to let the sitter (who has a 14/15 month old of her own, little boy) know about Baby Bella and I brought in a few blankets from the car that smell like home. She was just fine playing with the balls that go with the Fisher-Price green dinosaur thing (you might know it if you saw it), and she started crawling around, exploring. I gave her lovin's and kisses, saying, "Being a good girl, Bella." I'd hate for her to not to be herself; she's such a happy baby! Triana, Alyssa, Narn and Shen can attest to this! It looked like she was having a good time. And then Mommy pulls away. Bella gets this confused look on her face; then it looks like she's going to cry, as if to say, "Mommy, where you going?!"

It was heartbreaking. Maybe we should have gone over there together a few times beforehand? But when would we have been able to do this? I kinda just waited until nearly the last minute to ask her to watch Bella. I thought it would be convenient, seeing as how she lives maybe five minutes from where I work (makes it easier to drop her off later and pick her up sooner from the sitter).

Granted, there's a lady who spoke up to watch Bella who lives in the neighborhood just next to mine. We'd be dropping off Bella a LOT earlier than just before 7am and picking her up after 4pm, at least. But, it's not what I want; it's what will work for the sitter. We're giving this week a trial run. I do hope it works, but I'm not going to pressure her about it.

Hopefully, Bella will get used to it again; she hasn't really had a sitter other than Gramma since May. The sitter and I can keep in touch via CafeMom and she also has my cell number now.
Today is going to be hard.


  1. I see parents struggle with this EVERY day at work. There's a mom who drops her 8wk old off in the infant room and cries when she shuts the door (yes, every single day)

    It gets easier, trust me.

    I'm hoping I can find another kid or two to do the SAHM thing with. The daycare around here is outrageous so if I could stay home AND help someone with their cost it would make me happy.

    I can't believe Kindercare is almost 300$ a week for babies up to a year! We really should get paid more.


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