Grades Thus Far...

I took my second-to-last test for my Principles of Business Management class (not counting the course survey) yesterday. Tallied them up and my overall grade so far in this class is a 77.2%. Introduction to Marketing is 78%. Overall, it looks like I have a high C for both classes. The next one is College Algebra... not so sure about that one. I'll take as long as I need to for that class; I can't continue on until that course is completed as it's a pre-requisite for the class after it.

Triana and Alyssa came down from Long Beach today. Alyssa wants to get her dress blues uniform together for the holiday next Sunday. Patrick took them down there, so I'm home with the kids for time being. When they get back, he and Jeffrey will go up to Victorville so Jeffrey can go home. While they're gone, I guess Alyssa and Triana were wanting to take me out to dinner. This is super! Patrick just needs to put Bella's car seat in Alyssa's car, since I'm not sure how he put it in my car.

Really not much going on. Ron's in town, so Mom isn't going to be here for about a week, meaning we get to take care of Angel. She doesn't have much dry food left and it's available by prescription only. I don't think we can just go to the store and pick up a bag. Hopefully with this new job she got, she can get some more. Not sure what we'll do for her otherwise.


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