Death... moving on?

I didn't have this blog then, so those who do read this blog may have no idea.

In June 2004, my grandmother (favorite mind you) passed away. It hit hard and I still want to cry about it every now and again (particularly, that month). We really didn't expect my grandfather to live much longer after her passing, but he has. As I said to my mother this morning, "He's a stubborn, ol' coot." And he is. He is resiliant.

He's also in the hospital for his liver (I think; it may have been kidneys.. I think it's the kidneys). No idea how serious it is. My step-Mom sent an email to my Mom, in response to my mother's daily meditation emails, letting her know what's going on.

I don't know what to do. If he leaves us, I have no way to get back there. I want to bring Patrick and Belladonna with me. I want to see my grandmother again. The last time I really thought about her was April 2005; when Patrick and I got married. We received a card in the mail from Vicky (one of my dad's sisters) and in it she mentioned that "she" was watching over us on the day. I cried. I could read it again for several months.

I had no idea her death still affects me to this day. I may be crying throughout the day because of the pain I remember feeling. I'd say just send me home for the day, but I need the money for today's work.

If we were to hop on a plane mid-week of November 19, for instance, and stayed until Sunday, plus hotel, it would be $369/person, which isn't bad at all. But, I'm almost willing to bet my dad would have us staying at their house.

I really hope he hangs on a bit longer. I don't want to lose him so soon (it seems) after she passed away.


  1. You know you guys are always welcome to stay with us if nessicary!

    I'll send lots of good energy your way that it's not nessicary <3


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