10 Statements

Instructions: Write 10 statements, intended to different people.never tell which one is to who things you've always wanted to tell people.
(*one or two may not even be on myspace. -Tam)

1. There are times when I love you, but there are times when your actions speak louder than your words and you upset me. I'm afraid to tell you to your face because I'm afraid it will screw with our friendship.

2. It was interesting having my own "puppy dog" for a couple of years. I got a little worried when special permission was given to go to my school. This was the catalyst for the drift in our friendship, which was rocky, at best, in high school. I'm sorry for treating you the way I did.

3. I forgive too easily, sometimes. My folks were mad for a long time; I think they still are. But I forgive you. I forgive you because you helped so many times the last few years when it was really needed. I appreciate that.

4. I still love you, but no longer in love with you. I'm happy you have a family now and are happy with them. All I ask is that you actually write me an email instead of me writing you one first.*

5. Do you ever wonder how things would have turned out, had things gone further in our relationship? I know it didn't last long, but for the time we were together, it was great. I want you to know that I left the relationship because I got scared; not anything you did. I got scared because I was happy; not an emotion I was used to having when in any kind of relationship. Thank you for our short time together.

6. Was there really closure? I know I had my closure long ago, but sometimes I wonder if you have. I hope you find someone suited well with you, someone you can spend the rest of your life with and be happy.

7. You're an asshole, plain and simple. You're still a child who seems to care about no one but yourself. One day, something will happen to you and you'll wonder why you got such bad karma. You led me on to think you were interested. You never were. You'll have your heart broken and then you'll know how I felt. Someone will flake on you like you did to me countless times. And you will know how I felt.

8. We've had a tough eight years, you and me. Friends to the end and then one fateful year. One summer of bad decisions on all our parts flushed our great friendship down the toilet. I thought I'd lost you forever. I found you again and realized that we'd both finally grown up; that we'd finally matured and realized our mistakes and went passed them. I don't know if I could lose you as a friend again.

9. So many wonderful memories! Thank you for all of them. Denver became a great town after we met and started hanging out. You were there when I needed you and I was there when you needed me. So many nights of crashing out on my bedroom floor after a really late party. Or, was it your floor? I couldn't imagine a better person to watch my Bella when we move back.

10. Did you ever really like me or was I just a lay to you? It was only once, but I felt we could have been more. I took something from you I wish I could give back. I never wanted it. I knew that once it was gone, you'd change. You did. And I'm sorry.


  1. I have a feeling that number 1 is for me. And if so please no that if I upset you, tell me. Upsetting you is the last thing I want to do. If I need to change something, please tell me what it is and I will do it.

  2. I know #9 is for me.

    I hadn't seen this before, but I'm glad that I did. I know our friendship was short, compared to most meaningful friendships...but you know I've always looked up to you like a big sister.

    I just can't wait for the three of you to come home so that we can build a new chapter in our friendship :) You've always meant so much to me.


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