This is all from a conversation I've had with someone I mentioned in this blog awhile ago. It seems surreal to me that we can talk so freely about the stuff we couldn't talk about ten years ago. Then again, I was letting the conversation happen, so what does that say about me? Why am I taking these deep breaths? Why is my heart beating faster? I'm going to blame the coffee and an empty stomach. Or maybe the too tight jeans that I shouldn't have worn. That makes much more sense and I like that explanation much better. There's nothing deep seeded here. Nothing. Why is it that he's always the one to message me first? I still don't know how to interpret that. I should have started copying/pasting much earlier in the conversation. The first part sounds bad. We were talking about a time about 11 years ago when I'd hopped a Greyhound to see him in college for a week. I'm wondering if he was patronizing me (or just be...
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