Today, I will try

I'm going to try and get some stuff mailed out to him today. When I'm more awake and coherent. I woke up just before 11 this morning. Bella woke up at twenty to two last night crying; we're not sure why. It could have been she was warm (it's beginning to warm up here now), her teeth (so I gave her tylenol) or that she had a bad dream. We brought her downstairs and Dee held her for a bit. We couldn't even get her to smile! Then we switched spots and I was laying on the couch with Bella, rubbing her back. This seemed to help. After about ten minutes (I'm not sure; I didn't have my glasses on) we tried going upstairs and she woke up. Normally when that happens, I can put her right back down and she'll fall asleep. She started crying shortly after I crawled back into bed. So, I brought her into my room and she fell asleep on my chest again. I stayed there until I knew for sure that she was out, then I put her in her crib. She let me sleep in past 1030 this morning. She's watching Baby Einstein: Baby Mozart at the moment. :)


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