Oh, the days when I was young and stupid

I don't know why but lately I've been thinking about how I lived my life just a few years ago. I was young, stupid and not very safe. After I posted the last time, about the different relationships I had and how unsafe I was with them. I can't tell you how much of the sex was unprotected. I'm lucky to not have anything and not have been a young mother. I wouldn't have been able to deal with it then. And the chances of the guy actually stepping up to the plate to be the unexpected father? HA! Very laughable, of any boyfriend or fling I had. They were all too into what they were doing at the time to play a father. None of them would have taken the responsibility. Granted, Brian was probably one of the more responsible boyfriends I had (Timm's the other one; we didn't even sleep together, which was odd for me then). But even that doesn't mean anything. There are guys out there who are responsible men, but when they find out they've knocked up some chick, they run out the closest door.

I'm so very glad I have my daughter now. I'm glad I waited until now to have a baby, to get married. I used to think I'd never get married. Then I met him and fell for him; it was all over after that. And here we are. Happier than two pigs in a muddy pile of shit. :)

I'm just trying to figure out why I started thinking about this recently. I have no idea.


  1. You must make mistakes to learn from them my dear. In the end, with all the maybes and what ifs that fly through your head. All of the choices you made early on in life lead to where you are now. I have made mistakes in my life, but all of the roads that I chose to take lead me to my life with you and the baby. I would never trade that for anything. I love you!!


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