simpe post for today

Been a few days.

Got the job. Orientaion was two days this last week. Start fresh on Monday. I'll have the next two weekends off, but after that working at least one day on the weekend.

Did a couple of "music videos" of Bella for him. I hope he likes them. She's in a really cute summery number.

Got some professional pictures done of Bella, finally. I love them.

He has 81 days until he comes home. He got the packages I sent a couple of weeks ago, so that's good. Hopefully he can make the cigarettes last until the next package.

I got two new phones with my first carrier because they can do international calls. It's still going to charge per minute (for example, it's $1.49 to call to and from Singapore. It's twice that for Vietnam. But, at least we can call. There's also text messaging. It's thirty-five cents for him and fifteen cents for me. The phones should be here on Tuesday and his package should go out Wednesday.

The Navy fucked up again. Not only did he not get any extra money on his paycheck for July 1st, but Bella and I have NO HEALTH COVERAGE. We got this taken care of long before he left. I got a bill in the mail for $310. I'm not paying it.


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