Almost seven months

Wow a long time has flown by! Until we start "playing" again, it's just a normal blog, nothing to really post in that part of my life.

Baby Belladonna has gotten so big! Her six month appointment is next Monday; she'll be seven months. I waited on getting her pediatrician, so her shots are only a little bit behind. She was over 15 pounds when I took her in the last time. She was five months old. She's doing just so well! She's coming into her own personality. She likes watching the Baby Einstein dvds. She'll sit there and watch one for a couple of hours. She's eating solids now, as well as her formula. She's wearing size 1 diapers still. She's petite. :) She was able to wear a couple bits of her smaller clothes up until recently. I have someone I can give her clothes to, when she gets too big for them.

My sister is pregnant. She found out in December. She got pregnant the day she returned home from Japan. :) He thinks it's kinda funny because when they were at the hospital, visiting me and Bella, she looked all scared and stuff when she held the baby. He says, "What? You afraid you're gonna catch the pregnant?" Yeah, he ate those words. :) She found out last month she's having a boy. He's due late July/early August. Mom will be coming out after he's born.

I've been out of the Navy for a few months now. I'm glad I'm out. I was temping for about two months and then they didn't have anything for me. I have an interview with Lockheed Martin tomorrow afternoon. I applied for an admin asst job via email (attaching my resume) for an engineering company. I'm thinking of also going over to the Holiday Inn by the house an applying over there. Who knows. I hope I can get something soon. We need the money. Our bills aren't going away and we also have his mom's bills, too. *sigh* We'll make it through somehow. We always do.


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